The hoopoe seems to be a peculiar title of a practical guide for anyone contemplating a career in medicine. Originally, this book was written without a title in mind: we simply called it “our book”. We knew that the name of a suitable title would appear, at the right moment. If not, our students would have come up with a name since this book is inspired by them and it is for them. Then, on one sunny day, we spotted a beautiful bird, the hoopoe, on the grass in front of us. We had found the answer.
The Hoopoe
الناشر: دار امجد للنشر والتوزيع
اسم المؤلف:د.سعيد المرزوقي
سنة الطبع:2017
نوع الكتاب: ورقي
عدد الصفحات:180
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