A technology that has truly changed the way the world operates is the smartphone. It is not just a communication device; it is a handheld personal computer that has become an extension of peoples’ lives. It is more than just a device to communicate with others; it is integrated into daily life as a communication tool and as a multimedia device (Oksman, 2010; Westlund, 2010). Smartphones allow users to be connected all the time to whomever they want, wherever they are (Baron, 2010). The uses and gratifications that are experienced by people using smartphones are exponential in nature. It is a continually growing entity due to the ever-changing capabilities and communications options that smartphones provide.
the use of the smartphones
الناشر: دار امجد للنشر والتوزيع
اسم المؤلف:د. علي العنزي
سنة الطبع:2016
نوع الكتاب: ورقي
عدد الصفحات:222
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